Managing your Property
Our business believes in the continued personal and professional development of our staff, and places a high value on traditional business practices, including a focus on excellent customer service. We don’t believe that’s ever gone out of fashion.
At NOW Rentals:
We are committed to delivering a superior level of service.
We will strive to get it right the first time
We will promptly return your telephone calls
We will have a positive and enthusiastic attitude about managing your property
We will care for your property as though it was our own
We will provide hassle-free management
We will skillfully represent you
We understand that our clients and customers are the reason why we are in business.
Our professional team understand that the property you place in our hands is worth more than just the weekly asking rent, we appreciate that this is valuable asset, a nest egg for your future.
We will spend the time in providing genuine facts and information for you to make an informed decision, we are a solution based team with the big picture in mind.
If you are letting your property for the first time, we realise this can be a daunting experience and with our guidance through the procedures we will make it as stress-free as possible for you.
NOW Real Estate/Rentals is proud to be active members of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ), which is a professional organization that sets the standards for best industry practice. As REIQ members we adhere to a Code of Conduct and have access to the latest legislative and compliance information.
NOW Real Estate/Rentals Pty Ltd are Platinum Members of the Stacey Holt Real Estate Excellence Academy. Stacey Holt and Real Estate Excellence deliver training programs and webinars throughout Queensland on a regular basis; Property Management Excellence.
How We Manage Your Property
Initial Listing inspection
Qualifying tenants and checking all references
A thorough 3 tier process
Advising Landlords of tenant/s details
Collection of rent and bond
Sending a copy of lease out to Owner
Collection of rent in advance
Taking action should arrears occur after the first day
Rent reviews
Tenancy renewals and re-letting
Monthly or twice monthly payments
Monthly statement to Landlord
Quarterly inspections (or as agreed)
Handling of tenant/s complaints and requests
Keeping Owners informed
Arrange quotes and repairs
Competitive maintenance tradesmen
Payment of accounts and copies of invoices paid
Maintenance reports
Photos of property
Add to rental list, rental list handouts at front counter
Window display
Internet advertising
Newspaper advertising
For Rent sign on property
Preparing your Property For Lease
Understand that everyone has a different appreciation of clean and whilst you might be happy to move into the home and live would someone else? Sometimes it is best to engage a cleaning company to do a full clean of the premises prior to market and leasing.
Remember unless you are letting out your home as a furnished package ensure that the property including any sheds are empty, do not leave any belongings of any description, this includes pot plants or garden ornaments.
By having high standards in presentation you are more likely to achieve a tenant far more quickly than the competing properties, possibly obtain a longer term tenant, achieve a premium rent and get a better calibre tenant. If you are unable to ensure the above prior to handover, our Rental Department is happy to organize for this to be completed on your behalf and provide you with the Invoice.
With your property being well presented from the start ensures that when the tenants vacate your property that it is handed back in the same condition.
Therefore, it is important that:
Any minor repairs/maintenance have been carried out, i.e. leaking taps, sticking windows, running toilets, creaking doors, etc.
The home should be clean, walls washed, touch-up paint/repainted, bathrooms, light fittings, windows, window screens,
The carpets have been professionally cleaned
Gardens are weed-free, edges trimmed, lawns mowed, patio gurnied/cleaned
Fences and gates are sturdy and any trees/shrubs have been given a good prune
All appliances should be clean and in safe working order, i.e. dishwasher
Make sure there is a number present on the house or letter box too, as prospective tenants need to be able to find your home.
Legislation and Local Regulations dictate how these must be dealt with. NOW Rentals will provide full information on smoke alarms
Have your mail re-directed
Disconnect or cancel your utilities
Leave a copy of your appliance manuals on the kitchen bench
Ensure all locks have keys and that there are at least 3 full sets of keys
We will follow all guide-lines in moving your Tenancy Agreement to us with the least possible inconvenience to you and your tenants.
Marketing your Property for Rent
In the first instance your property details will be emailed/mailed to all prospective tenants registered with us whose requirements match the accommodation on offer. Using a sophisticated computerised system, tenant’s requirements can be analysed more precisely and our marketing efforts can therefore be specifically targeted.
It is recommended that professional photos be taken of the property in the first instance. This is beneficial for advertising the property for rent and also if you decide you wish to put your property on the market for sale. Often a tenant is not happy for photos showing personal items being displayed in advertising.
Your property will also be extensively advertised with photographs on various web sites, in the local paper and will also be on display in our office. In addition, a For Rent board will be erected at the front of your property to ensure effective 24 hour advertising.
Open Homes will be held during the week for easy viewing by prospective tenants or appointments made to view.

Window Card
For Rent Booklet
For Rent Signboard

Office Front Window
Leasing your Property
We can provide you with a realistic market rental appraisal on your property ensuring that you can begin receiving your rental income with the least vacancy time.
We understand that many property owners rely on their weekly rent to meet mortgage commitments and every endeavour is taken to minimise vacancy periods.
All things being equal, there are 2 main reasons why properties don’t rent:
Price – In any competitive situation a property that is priced over the market will be passed over for the next property, so it is imperative that your price is within the market’s reach
Marketing – This is the next main reason properties can sit vacant, but getting this right can help minimise any vacancy period. Many people have heard the expression “you can’t sell a secret” well, the same principle applies for rental properties.
We strongly advise our landlords to inform their insurance company of their intention to let so that any subsequent claim will not be jeopardised. This applies to both building and contents insurance. The tenants will be responsible to insure their own contents.
Tenant selection is one of the key areas to a smooth and hassle free property tenancy. It follows that correctly selecting the right tenants is one of the primary methods we use to minimise extra expense for our clients.
At NOW Rentals we thoroughly check the background of your prospective tenants.
This involves:
Proof of identity
TICA check (this is a Tenancy blacklist)
NTD (National Tenancy Database)
Personal references
Past and present rental history
Employment status
Affordability for your property
Which means when we refer any tenancy applications to you for your approval you can rest-assured that you are making decisions with all the available facts.
We will draw up the Tenancy Agreement. We will arrange a date for the tenant to sign the agreement, and forward to you for signing or Now Rentals can sign the agreement on your behalf. A fully signed copy will then be held on file.
All tenants are required to pay 2 weeks rent prior to moving into the property and a further week’s rent a week later. This ensures that the rent is always 1 week in advance.
Also prior to moving into the property, the tenant is required to pay 4 week’s rent as a bond which is then forwarded to RTA.
Owner to provide 3 sets of keys. Rental keys are never handed out unless to a licensed maintenance contractor who is registered with NOW Rentals. Security of your investment property is paramount.
A Property Manager will compile a detailed inventory and property condition report. This will include all furnishings, together with a schedule of fixtures and fittings. This is a very important document which forms part of the contract, as the tenant signs this to agree that all items are in the property at the commencement of the tenancy and in the condition stated. Photographs are also taken internally prior to the commencement of the tenancy.
Before a tenant moves into the property gas/electricity and water meters (where applicable) are read and the readings are confirmed in writing to relevant utility companies together with details of the new occupier.
Under federal and state anti-discrimination laws, real estate agents cannot accept discriminatory direction from lessors.
Both the agent and the lessor are legally liable if complaints are made. It is neither fair nor lawful to pressure an agent to break the law.
When selecting tenants, the only requirements that can be addressed are:
The number of people suitable to reside in the property
The tenant must be able to prove that they have and can maintain the weekly rent
The tenant must be able to prove that they have and can maintain a rental property in a clean and tidy condition
Unfair discrimination happens if you treat someone less favourably simply because of their sex, age, race, nationality, marital status, the fact that they have children, sexual preferences, disability or impairment, pregnancy, religion or political beliefs.
You do have the right to choose the most suitable tenant provided no unfair discrimination occurs.
During the Tenancy
We offer a “worry free package” where we can organize payment of any bills associated with your property e.g. rates, pest control, insurance, maintenance from your rent account. We will mail invoices to you immediately upon payment. This ensures that you know exactly what rent amount is coming to you.
We will collect the rent and bank into your nominated bank account
During a tenancy, if the property requires any maintenance or repairs, these will be organised up to our “approved maintenance amount” You will be advised of any such repairs and approval will be sought from you for anything over our approved limit before authorising such works. We reserve the right however, to instruct contractors to carry out emergency repairs if required.
All tradespeople engaged by NOW Rentals must complete a Contract Appointment form and provide a copy of their License and evidence of their Public Liability Insurance before carrying out any works on our rental properties. We also ask for ABN numbers and Worker’s Compensation details.
Should you have preferred tradespeople we are more than happy to engage their services provided they supply us with the aforementioned information.
The first inspection of your property will be carried out after 3 months of the tenancy. Here we will be able to establish the general condition and report back to you with feedback. We can then assess when to carry out the next inspection according to how well the tenant is looking after the property. Thereafter your property will be inspected on a 6 monthly basis, unless otherwise instructed.
Legislation and local regulation dictate how these must be dealt with.
Now Rentals provides full information on smoke alarms and water compliancy, brochures have been included in this booklet for your perusal.
It is vital that legislation is strictly adhered to, particularly in relation to Smoke Alarms and it is important that the responsibilities and obligations of investment property owners are fully understood.
Water Usage regulations can change from time to time, and we will keep you fully informed on any changes and put in place the necessary systems to facilitate collection of tenant’s contributions as necessary.
If your property has gardens it might be in your best interest to employ a professional to maintain it. This ensures your property’s increase in value.
We recommend that if your property has a pool, that it be serviced monthly by a professional pool company. The cost could be included in the weekly rent.
You will receive a monthly statement and an End of Financial Year Summary at the end of June.
We get asked all sorts of questions i.e. “can we install Pay TV”, there’s a snake in the roof”, “can we put a fence up”. We will advise you of any requests and work through accordingly.
Our office has a “Zero Tolerance” policy for rent arrears and a review of tenancy rent accounts is performed on a daily basis. All tenants are advised of their responsibilities regarding the payment of rent during the sign-up process and are fully informed of the process should they not fulfil these obligations, i.e.
Reminder phone/SMS at 3 day’s arrears
Notice to Remedy Breach sent when reaches 8 days in arrears
Contact Owner, seek instruction, act in accordance with written instructions
Terminate tenancy if required
We recognise that your rental income is vital to the success of your investment and we take every precaution to minimise tenants falling behind in their rent.
We realise the importance of rental returns and their ongoing role in complimenting the growth of the value of your property. We constantly monitor the market rent on your behalf. A minimum of 1 rent review is carried out per year and 1 is automatically carried out when a tenant vacates or their tenancy agreement comes up for renewal.
Apart from non-payment of rent, Tenants may breach their contract by way of, for example not maintaining the gardens or keeping unauthorised pets. We have procedures in place to remedy these so that your investment is protected at all times.
Our first action would be self-resolution. We negotiate with the party on your behalf and try to come to an amicable solution.
In the event that an issue cannot be resolved it is usually a matter then for the Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) to decide upon. As your Agent, we will prepare all the paperwork and represent you in Court.
Once the tenant/s has vacated the property we will conduct a thorough final inspection. We will advise you of its condition and as to whether any cleaning/maintenance/gardening work is required. We will NOT refund the bond without your approval.
Your photo ID is required and verification of Ownership i.e. Title Search ($22.95)
Verification that the property has sufficient and appropriate Insurance cover. A copy of policy details are to be provided
A copy of the Landlord’s Insurance Policy. Ask for our recommendation
3 sets of keys to be provided (2 for the tenant and 1 set to be held in the Office)
As a property owner you have a “duty of care” and a legal obligation to protect the tenant and look after the investment property.
Failure to carry out this obligation could result in serious consequences.
The property must be kept in safe and a well maintained condition, which is safe for the tenant to live in.
Our goal is to add value over and above the traditional functions of property management.
We believe it is about helping to create wealth and maximize returns.
Communication is paramount in building successful relationships.
We are excited at the prospect of helping you move forward with your Property Management needs. Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions. We are only too happy to help.
In short…………. WE WONT LET YOU DOWN!!!